Halloween at Conspiracy Inc.

    This is just gonna be kind of a quick announcement since we don't have all the details in place yet, but we do know enough to tell you all  not to make any other plans on Saturday the 29th of October, cause on that day, we're gonna have some Halloween fun!!
    First of all, there'll be tattoos.
    Allan will make some Halloween flash (and we're not talking custom-one-per-person-flash like with London, just the regular kind) and you can get tattooed all day.
    And the fancier your costume, the cheaper your tattoo, but more on that later!
    There'll be some special guest appearances by other tattooers, but i'll post more about them once we get it confirmed.
    So for now: tattoos, costumes, pumpkin flavored stuff, spookyness and good times all day!
    We hope you'll join us, so stay tuned for more info!

    Ok, i får den også lige på Dansk, bare for god ordens skyld.
    Lørdag den 29. Oktober holder vi Halloween dag i Conspiracy Inc.
    Der vil blive lavet spooky Halloween tatoveringer fra egen flash (altså ikke custom, husk det) hele dagen, med særlig rabat til de flottest udklædte.
    Der vil være gæste tatovører (håber jeg, vi skal lige have det bekræftet!) og græskar og (u)hygge og forhåbentligt er der en masse af vores kunder og venner der har lyst til at feste med os.
    Så sæt kryds i kalenderen og hold øje med denne blog for nærmere detaljer!

    Flash previews will be posted here and on Allan's blog once he gets started on it (which may be as soon as today), so check back soon and often!

    Ps. There's still some time available for those who want to get in on the London leftover action on the 15th of October. Write me or just show up to see what's left. Prices are set like in London, so you can email me for a quote. See the flash here (note: mystical reaper and cross/candle where taken yesterday and three others are reserved).

    Der er stadig lidt tid tilbage på vores London leftover dag den 15. October, så enten skriv eller bare kom forbi på dagen og se hvad der er tilbage. Priserne er faste, de samme som i London, så skriv hvis du vil høre prisen på et bestemt design. To designs røg i går og yderligere tre er reserveret.

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Halloween at Conspiracy Inc.

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