Lehi flash available at blackheart 4154312100 call or come by limited#'s

    flash !  20 sheets  w/ lines  $ making originals ! magical!! 

    heath freddy taz lehi insanity!!

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Lehi flash available at blackheart 4154312100 call or come by limited#'s

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    ...yeah...sorry. ben is lazy... :)

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Looking For A new shop manager

                                            Must be able to manage 7 artists appointment books
                                                       have some computer experience
                                     be able to keep the shop organized and CLEAN at all times.
                                               be able to manage large amounts of frantic people
                                             knowing the inner workings of a tattoo shop is a plus
                                              serious applicants contact blackheart 415-431-2100

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Looking For A new shop manager

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Art show

    Cody Miller and Nick Rodin will have a few painting in this show. Opening is tomorrow night. Info on flyer below, LAAAAMe
    lehi was going to do a painting of a red marshall mini amp 

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Art show

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tattoo disasters

    hello fellow friends from around the world, welcome.

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tattoo disasters

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Blackheart the animated series


    and Special Guest...

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Blackheart the animated series

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Freddy Corbin - Vice's "Tattoo Age" trailer

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Freddy Corbin - Vice's "Tattoo Age" trailer

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taste of tattoo print exibit

                                  Here are a couple of my prints i ran over with my truck,pretty artsy.
    November 3,2011 6pm-9pm exibit opening. Jeff Rassier has some prints featured in Smith Andersen editions Taste of tattoo, A traveling exhibit of tattoo artists and printers.If you get a chance, stop by the opening.more info at smithandersen.com .There is a catalog available.

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taste of tattoo print exibit

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Time and place

    So, Allan just posted this on his blog, which means that i'm allowed to do the same, so feast your eyes on this flash sheet of pure, spooky awesomeness!

    Want to get one of these out of this world pieces tattooed on you?
    Come to the shop on Saturday the 29th!
    We start at 1 pm and end around 9 or 10-ish.
    All tattoos will have a fixed, very reasonable price, and if you want it even cheaper, all you have to do is dress up, as people in fancy costumes get 50% off!
    There will be treats and beverages and spooky music, and we hope to see lots of you there!

     Get one of these tattooed by Uncle Allan, or wait and see what Chriss Dettmer has to offer... or get tattooed by them both!

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Time and place

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Update, now with sneak peek

    With only little over a week to go before Halloween Day at Conspiracy Inc, i figured it was time for a little sneak peek of the designs that will be available. Don't you?
    Allan is painting his sheet as i write this, so it will be done soon... maybe even today?
    He will post more previews on his instagram and twitter, so go stalk him there if you would like to see more.
    As for Chriss Dettmer's sheet, you will just have to wait until the 29th to see that!

    More details in the following days, like what time to show up and stuff, but i hope you already have your costume picked out, and you're ready to hang out and eat snacks and get tattooed... and be spooked, of course!!

    Epic flash epicness

    I'm probably gonna end up saying this again, but since the last flash day was for the London flash, which was fancy-semi-custom-not-to-be-reproduced-flash, it's worth mentioning more than once: the Halloween flash is just that; actual flash. That means there are no limits to how many times a piece can be done, so there will be no need to fight over that sweet Dracula, or whatever you have your heart set on. You can all get it!*

    *In theory, but in reality, that would be super boring, so please don't all get the same thing!

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Update, now with sneak peek

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    .via / jjjjound
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2011 LEHI flash peek 20 sheets line art as well!

    all done ready to go  sfo  ...ect...ect..

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2011 LEHI flash peek 20 sheets line art as well!

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2 new BLACK HEART SHIRT coming next week

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2 new BLACK HEART SHIRT coming next week

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Cool Shades

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Cool Shades

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Halloween guests, part one

    Halloween update time! (Isn't this exciting?)
    I just got confirmation from Mr. Chriss Dettmer that he will indeed be joining us for Halloween-Super-Spooky-Fun-Day on the 29th of October!
    Chriss will draw up some scary flash you can choose from on the day, which no doubt will be awesome, so go ahead and get excited about that.

    More updates coming soon, so check back often!

    Ps. I'm getting a lot of mail these days about purchasing the metal and Halloween flash (no doubt they're mostly from people who stop reading our posts about halfway through, so this might not help at all!), so just to try and clear things up:
    The London Flash has not been printed and is not for sale.
    Same goes for the Halloween flash, which isn't even done yet.
    This post on Allan's blog was about an opportunity for those who missed out in London, and anyone else for that matter, to come to Copenhagen and get one of the pieces from the flash set tattooed.
    You can still come get the London flash tattooed on Saturday, so feel free to email me about a price quote or just to check if your favorite piece is still available. Walk-ins are welcome too, although those who are already booked in will be tattooed first.
    Ok, rant over!

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Halloween guests, part one

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Lehi doodle

    Of Nick and a friend doing some tubin'

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Lehi doodle

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Halloween at Conspiracy Inc.

    This is just gonna be kind of a quick announcement since we don't have all the details in place yet, but we do know enough to tell you all  not to make any other plans on Saturday the 29th of October, cause on that day, we're gonna have some Halloween fun!!
    First of all, there'll be tattoos.
    Allan will make some Halloween flash (and we're not talking custom-one-per-person-flash like with London, just the regular kind) and you can get tattooed all day.
    And the fancier your costume, the cheaper your tattoo, but more on that later!
    There'll be some special guest appearances by other tattooers, but i'll post more about them once we get it confirmed.
    So for now: tattoos, costumes, pumpkin flavored stuff, spookyness and good times all day!
    We hope you'll join us, so stay tuned for more info!

    Ok, i får den også lige på Dansk, bare for god ordens skyld.
    Lørdag den 29. Oktober holder vi Halloween dag i Conspiracy Inc.
    Der vil blive lavet spooky Halloween tatoveringer fra egen flash (altså ikke custom, husk det) hele dagen, med særlig rabat til de flottest udklædte.
    Der vil være gæste tatovører (håber jeg, vi skal lige have det bekræftet!) og græskar og (u)hygge og forhåbentligt er der en masse af vores kunder og venner der har lyst til at feste med os.
    Så sæt kryds i kalenderen og hold øje med denne blog for nærmere detaljer!

    Flash previews will be posted here and on Allan's blog once he gets started on it (which may be as soon as today), so check back soon and often!

    Ps. There's still some time available for those who want to get in on the London leftover action on the 15th of October. Write me or just show up to see what's left. Prices are set like in London, so you can email me for a quote. See the flash here (note: mystical reaper and cross/candle where taken yesterday and three others are reserved).

    Der er stadig lidt tid tilbage på vores London leftover dag den 15. October, så enten skriv eller bare kom forbi på dagen og se hvad der er tilbage. Priserne er faste, de samme som i London, så skriv hvis du vil høre prisen på et bestemt design. To designs røg i går og yderligere tre er reserveret.

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Halloween at Conspiracy Inc.

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Gym Hunk

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Gym Hunk

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Are you ready to PARTY???

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Are you ready to PARTY???

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A couple of tattoos and some news

    Ok, so after London (still trying to catch up here!) Ryan Mason came to work with us.
    His stay was a little hectic cause he got in later than planned, so he was super busy all week.
    Which is great, of course, i just wish we'd had more time to hang out and show him around our city.
    Maybe next time, if he decides to come back!

    I didn't get pictures of all the tattoos he did cause i was a little preoccupied by my work in the darkroom (i've practically lived in there since we got back!) but luckily Ryan posted most of them on his blog, including the ones he did at the convention, so when you're done reading this, check his blog out.

    But here are the two i did get pictures of; a large lower arm piece... and an even larger one!

    Kasper's magpie

    Rebecka's lower arm... she got pretty much all of it done in just one session!
    I know this doesn't say much about the darkroom, but i wanted to post our progress anyway... those shelves were a bitch, but luckily Allan helped me out with the heavier table!

    Just so this doesn't turn into a million posts in one day, i'm just gonna put this in here too: most people seem to already know this (people would even come up to us in London and offer their condolences!) but for those who don't; Eckel is leaving Denmark in December.
    He's gonna travel around Asia for a couple of months, and while he doesn't know where he'll settle down after that, we already know it won't be Denmark.
    However, don't despair, he'll still be coming back to do guest spots, much like that other guy, so your chance to get tattooed by him hasn't passed you by.
    But he is booked for his last months here, so for those who didn't get in, you'll just have to wait till he comes back, probably in the spring sometime.
    Keep an eye on the travel section of this blog, and on Eckel's personal blog too.

    What his departure means for the shop, we still don't know.
    But rest assured, Allan isn't going anywhere anytime soon, and neither am i!

    We're obviously really going to miss Eckel, but we're finding it hard to put our feelings into words... so we'll leave that up to one mr. Axl Rose! Enjoy!

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A couple of tattoos and some news

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The London post

    Arrrghh, i feel so terribly behind on posts right now!
    I shouldn't be, it's just that a lot of stuff is happening right now, and it's hard to keep up.
    Oh my god, i sound like Nick now...
    But fear not, this is what staycations are for. I will catch up with myself!

    First up; London!
    I am trying to divide pictures between my two blogs, so they both get a piece of the convention action.
    Not that i took a lot of pictures; i was generally too busy, tired, bored or stressed to do that, but i got a few.

    Allan's flash project was a huge success. Or at least to us it was, but i'm hoping the people who got tattooed liked it as well.
    We've tried the walk-up/line-drawing concept before, but this time, with the flash actually painted, people really seemed to respond to it, so that was great.
    And Allan got to work more and do way more tattoos than usual (his goal, not mine!), so i think this is what's gonna happen next year too. I don't have a lot of finished tattoo pictures, but Allan already posted them all on his blog, so just go check them out there.
    Maybe next year he'll start painting a little sooner than a week before?
    Just a thought....

     Setting up on thursday... our banner came out a little (read: a lot) bigger than intended

    BBMF (best booth-mate forever) Chriss Dettmer's half of the table

    Awkward tattooing


    Allan and Kevin being all "grrr, metal"

    Hand tattoo by Chriss Dettmer

    Partying at the hotel means braiding Allan's hair!

    Lies, straight from my instagram

    Convention family having a tattoo party

    Thanks to everyone who got tattooed, and to those who wanted to but didn't get in as well.
    And thanks to our friends and clients for coming by the booth and hanging out when we didn't have time to come to them.
    See you next year!

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The London post

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