Adam Hays at Conspiracy Inc. next month

    So, it looks like my last post here was a costume post of sorts, and actually this one was supposed to be one of those too (apparently we dress up a lot in the summer? I'll post those pictures real soon!) but as it turns out, i have more important news to share.

    You see, next month we're having one of them guest artists at the shop, and i thought it was about time to tell you who, and to show you some of his work.
    From August 18-20 (and possibly a day or two more, if his travel plans work out that way), super swell guy and fellow Star Wars geek, Adam Hays from Red Rocket Tattoo in New York will be working at our shop.
    If you'd like to book with him, here's how to do it: send an email to with your ideas for the design and placement, possible budget and dates you are available. Remember that it must be custom, as always, and unless you're planning a trip to New York in the near future, it should be something that can be finished in one session.
    After recieving your email, i'll get back to you with a possible date for the tattoo, and give you specifics about deposit and stuff.
    So pretty much the usual.
    Serious inquiries only, and i can't stress that enough.
    It's bad enough when people cancel at the last minute with Allan or Eckel, but doing it to a traveling guest artist is completely unacceptable, so please think before booking.

    DK: Fra den 18. til 20. August  kommer Adam Hays fra Red Rocket Tattoo i New York og arbejder i butikken.
    Hvis du kunne tænke dig at blive tatoveret af ham skal du sende en mail med dine idéer til designet, samt placering til

    Som sædvanligt her i butikken tilbyder vi kun custom tatoveringer, og husk også på at tatoveringen skal kunne laves færdig på en session, med mindre du snart skal en tur til USA.
    Når jeg har modtaget jeres mails vender jeg tilbage med et bud på en tid, og diverse detaljer ang. din mulige aftale.
    Vær venlig kun at kontakte os hvis du er 100% sikker på at du vil tatoveres, og du har tænkt dig at overholde din aftale. Da dette guest spot er så kort som det er, vil det være et stort problem for vores gæst og os, for ikke at tale om at det ville være synd for folk der måske gerne ville tatoveres men ikke kunne få en tid, hvis der er nogen der booker en tid bare for at aflyse i sidste øjeblik, så kun seriøse henvendelser, tak.
    Se flere eksempler på Adam's arbejde på hans hjemmeside eller i hans portfolie der snart skulle ankomme i butikken.
    Spørgsmål? Læg en kommentar her eller send os en mail!

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Adam Hays at Conspiracy Inc. next month

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