Some Uncle Allan booking info

    No, we're not booking new clients for Uncle Allan just yet, but we have decided that telling people to check back later isn't exactly working out either.
    So, we have decided to start a waiting list for new pieces.
    An official one for new and old clients alike.

    All you have to do is send an email to the new email address (i will reveal that address later in this post) and you'll be on the list.
    Simple, right?

    In your email you should include your name and contact information and an approximate size/placement/general idea for the tattoo, so we can book the right amount of appointments for you.
    Foreign clients wanting a bigger piece should let us know how often they can make it to Denmark, and those of you who have already gotten tattooed by Allan (or Eckel or Electric Pick) should let us know what you've gotten done here in the past.
    If you don't include your ideas, we probably won't contact you first, so please don't forget that part.

    When you have sent us the mail, you will get an auto reply in return, and when we have openings, we will contact you.
    We cannot give you any idea of when you'll be hearing from us regarding an appointment, so if that's not something you're ok with, please don't submit your name to the list.
    Also, this is not an email-back-and-forth type deal, so if you get impatient and decide to write and ask when the hell you're getting tattooed, you won't get a reply.
    You can have your name removed from the list any time by sending us an email saying that you're sick of waiting, or that you just don't like tattoos anymore or whatever, and we'll take you off the list immediately.

    If you have any questions to this new system, feel free to leave a comment below and we promise to reply here.
    If you think you have all the information you need, go ahead and send your most fun tattoo ideas to:

    Thanks for reading this (and for following this blog, of course), we look forward to hearing from you!

    Og så en hurtig opsummering på dansk:
    Vi har nu oprettet en ny venteliste for folk der gerne vil tatoveres af Allan.
    Dette gælder for alle nye projekter, så det er både for nye og gamle kunder.
    Du skal bare sende en mail med dine idéer og kontakt information til den ovenstående adresse, og så er du på listen.
    Hvis du er blevet tatoveret i butikken før må du gerne inkludere en kort beskrivelse af hvad du har fået lavet.

    Du vil modtage et auto-svar, der bekræfter at din mail er modtaget, og når vi booker igen vil vi kontakte dig.
    Hvis du bliver utålmodig kan du til hver en tid blive taget af listen, bare send os en mail.
    Vi håber at høre fra dig!

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Some Uncle Allan booking info

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