More Eckel photos

    Hi again, we're back from London!
    We got home super late last night, so we're just about falling asleep at work today.

    Ok, so i thought i should post some more Eckel pictures here, since he'll be joining us real soon, and i often refer people to this blog for pictures and info about him.
    So here, some random Eckel goodness for you on this cold, Copenhagen monday.

    Oh, and remember that he'll be at the shop this friday, the 2nd of October* , to talk to anyone interested in getting tattooed, so drop by after 1pm and have a talk with him!

    * It's October this week? Fuck!

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More Eckel photos

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New artist at the shop

    We've been keeping secrets from you, dearest blog readers and we feel terrible about that.
    But we do have some good news for you!
    Remember this guy?
    That's Eckel by the way, if you're too lazy to check the link.
    Anyway, he's moving to Denmark and will be working at our shop!
    Told you it was good.

    So if you're interested in booking with him, send us an email or drop by the shop.
    We'll update the myspace soon with some more of his pictures and he'll be bringing a new portfolio to the shop too.

    He'll be at the shop to talk to anyone interested in getting tattooed on October 2nd, so come on down!

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New artist at the shop

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Tattoos By Corey Miller

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Tattoos By Corey Miller

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Muffin friday

    Anne baked muffins today.
    They were delish!
    Bet you wish you'd dropped by, huh?

    Have a great weekend everyone!

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Muffin friday

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Dark haired beauty

    Today Sanna's pretty backpiece lady finally got some color (read=black) in her hair.
    And Sanna herself is moving closer and closer to the coveted (by some) and feared (by others) trooper title.
    More progress next month, so stay tuned!

    Sanna, me and the pretty lady with the fan

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Dark haired beauty

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    A couple of random iPhone shots from today, i was testing a new camera application.

    Joakims arm got finished, maybe Allan will have a picture up on his blog soon
    Nick is home
    Lucifer takes a nap, or twenty
    That denim vest means business

    Have a nice weekend y'all!

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Almost forgot

    We're closed tomorrow, so, ehm, don't come by!

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Almost forgot

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Like to read? Like tattoos?

    The book about Danish tattooing that we told you about a little while back is now for sale at the shop.
    Signed by the author and everything!
    So come on down and buy your copy, we're sure you're gonna love it.

    Almost makes it look like a real shop, right?
    And just cause we love pictures of cake, here's the brownies brought, baked and individually wrapped by fridays client!

    Soooo good!

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Like to read? Like tattoos?

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Welcome home!!!

    Nick is landing in about 15 minutes!!!

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Welcome home!!!

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Day off

    Tomorrow the shop will be closed all day.
    If you wanted to drop by and book an appointment before we close the calendar you can come by on friday.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, some random people who shall not be named are celebrating the fact that they've been married for 8 years.

    Yeah, i know, like that's some kind of big deal or something...

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Day off

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